Category:Iron Chef SA 004:Beans

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Battle Beans

Chair: Apollo Flytrap

This month's feature ingredient is: BEANS!!

Pulses. Legumes. Nitrogen fixators. Things that give me hives and make my throat swell up. Whatever you call them, they're excellent sources of protein, vitamins and fibre. They're also extremely versatile and tasty.

Your mission, should you accept it, is to prepare one dish where the feature ingredient is used prominently. You may use any member of the Leguminosae family as a main ingredient, including (but not limited to) soya, peanuts, lentils, bean sprouts, dried beans, fresh green or wax beans, tamarinds, and dhal.


Triple Layer Peanut Butter and Ganache Tart by Kiteless

Runner up

The Best Fucking Ham and Beans by GodsMullet

Third Place

Fancy Huevos Rancheros by Lawen