Caprese Salad With Basil

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Caprese salad is simple to create, yet complex and refreshing in flavour. Good, fresh ingredients are key to its construction, so here's what you'll need:


  • 2 tomatoes
  • Bocconcini cheese
  • 12-15 fresh basil leaves
  • 15ml olive oil
  • 5ml Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper

Slice the tomatoes like you would for a sandwich. Not too thick, not too thin. Do the same with the cheese and shred or chop up the basil. Combine olive oil and vinegar in a vessel and mix well, adjusting quantities to taste.

Arrange tomatoes and cheese on a small plate, either by layering or stacking the ingredients and drizzle the oil and vinegar over everything sparingly. Add salt and pepper, and refridgerate.